I am completely bored, the day after Christmas, stuck in my dorm room. I made the trek back on the hopes of getting some work done...but after watching a movie and aimless websurfing, I know that it is hopeless. I guess some rambling wouldn't hurt.
So on my last ambulance shift for the class, I had a good time with a long time preceptor. We were out in the country for one of the last calls of the night, and I actually saw STARS in the sky.
It was amazing. My preceptor stated that he regularly sees shooting stars. I had no idea they actually existed. We were called into the backwoods, almost exactly like the home of the poor but smart kid from October Sky. I mean even the lights and crumbling steps mirrored the movie.
Through out that day we transported to a hospital that had the coolest nurses. There was one I just instantly had a crush on for the day (don't worry I don't normally do this). She was so...spunky. Looked just like Liv Taylor, but a lot funnier. I normally take a while to get used to people and places, but man, with her it was hard not to flirt back...
Anyway. Okay calls that day. Pretty crazy calls with this new service I'm hoping to volunteer for permanently...a kid with o2 sats at 45%, a couple of seizures here and there, mvc's...
The only sucky part is the ever present call at 4 am, and the last call 5 minutes before your shift is over. Oh and last shift, just when I take that last call guaranteed to make me home late by an hour, a Code Blue call goes out. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY...
“Oh, Lord, increase my bewilderment…”
1 month ago