Yep it's been awhile.
I'm starting up blogging again, because the sheer weight of ideas and posts I've written up makes my computer want to go on a diet. I'll be nice and publish them slowly in bite sized bits.
I've also decided to shift the direction of this blog. Back during undergrad, I was a feisty and angsty little EMT, unsure about life and what was going to happen to me.
Well I got into medical school. Yeah, no kidding. Crazy, huh?
It is a fantastic med school, where I am having a TON of fun. Of course I study all day now and that's all I do, but boy do I have random tidbits to share. (Someday I will gather enough of this tidbits to be a useful doctor. Perhaps.)
For example, did you know kittens can cause acute carpal tunnel syndrome? Yeah! So there are these things called tendon sheaths, that surround the connections between your hand muscles and your hand bones. When you play with kittens, they will inadvertently poke your with their sharp sharp claws, creating microscopic holes in your hand. Germs can get into your tendon sheaths from those holes, and spread back all the way to the carpal tunnel of your hand near your wrist.
The thing is you won't notice these kitten inflicted microscopic holes at all!
Crazy huh?
“Oh, Lord, increase my bewilderment…”
1 month ago