Monday, October 20, 2008

Ethics is fun

Hands down. I have a great prof who is energetic and funny enough to make the 3 hour lecture come completely alive. He jokes about insurance companies, makes great analogies, and doesn't create a stressful class environment at all.

We were talking about euthanasia and assisted suicide today. Oh boy. It was a nice break from the madness of midterms though. I have to dive back into my intensive paper writing now. 12 pages down, 38 left to go!

On a unrelated note, I was doing another special event the other day, and our contact was this jolly tia. Anyway, she showed me some great music- Piano Vines is the band. They aren't signed, but wow it is a breath of fresh air whenever I listen in.

Sigh. Time to pick classes soon. I really want to take a year off, and just have fun learning about photography, economics, guitar. I don't know if I will be able to. This is essentially my 5th year. Do I want to take another? If I can take more classes with my ethics prof, that may be a deciding factor.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well today has been the most amusing interview yet. I was at UT-Houston today, walking into the building at 7:30 am. Aghhh. But it was a really early start because they reserve 3+ hours for their tour. It easily blows every other interview tour out of the water.

The Texas Medical Center. Biggest in the world, so big we were jumping on charter buses to get to all of our destinations. I had three hilarious tour guides - at the children's center they were jumping on the seesaws and playing with the toys. We saw open heart surgery- through an observation dome at St Luke's that was very similar to the one in Grey's Anatomy. Memorial Hermann is just so...nice compared to everywhere else in Texas. The new rec center, apartments, ANATOMY It's pretty impressive.

I love how there are McDonald's in the Heart Institute. Same at Parkland, above their path labs.

Songs stuck in my head all day:

The Rapture: No Sex for Ben
TI- Whatever you like
Nickelback- Gotta be somebody